Now that bevblog is covering more than one food or drink acquisition every day, we’ve created a new searchable database that goes live today. Just click here to find it.
I’ll carry on providing monthly summaries, but the database will be continuously updated, so you can check it at any time.
I recorded 36 deals in January including two over $1 billion – Danisco going for $6.3 billion and Smurfit-Stone for $3.5 billion.
10 were alcohol, 7 in ingredients, 7 in soft drinks, 5 in general food and 4 in dairy.
14 were within individual countries and 22 across borders. 11 involved the United States, mainly as a purchaser; 7 touched on the United Kingdom, weighted more as a seller; 5 affected China and 4 impacted on Germany.
The database already notes 26 more purchases in February. Do let me know if I’ve missed anything important.