Private label world view
Out of 42 countries surveyed by Nielsen, the Swiss led the world of private label with a 45% retail share in 2011, as reported in France’s LSA magazine on 10 May.
All the top 10 were from West Europe. Spain came 2nd on 39%, France 3rd on 36%, Germany 4th on 34%, Belgium 5th on 33%, then Britain alongside Portugal on 32%.
Outside Europe, Australia came 11th on 25%. Canada and the United States were 19th= on 18%. Turkey led the Orient at 10%, the same as Chile at the forefront of Latin America.
The BRIC countries have a long way to catch up, with Brazil on 5%, Russia on 6% and China on 1%.
In Europe, over 80% of people believe private label quality is a good as major brands in Germany and almost 90% feel the packaging is as good in Spain.
Private label is definitely becoming more of a force to reckon with.