Je regrette
I regret Brexit.
I am writing this 2 hours before Britain leaves the European Union. I’m on a plane travelling back from Paris, where I also travelled on the day of the 2016 referendum.
My reasons for regret are very simple:
• Britain is a stabilising voice for common sense in the world. This is made more powerful in partnership with Europe. It’s weaker separately.
• Britain benefits from free trade with Europe, from common rules and from free movement of ideas and culture as well as people.
• Brexit could lead to the break up of the United Kingdom.
• Ending a relationship is different to not starting one.
Brexit is economically unsound and politically inept.
It doesn’t take back control. It takes back some controls at the expense of others.
But we’ve lost this argument. And I must accept that.
I just hope the price is not too high. And that doors as well as minds remain open.