36 acquisitions in July
July was not a particularly special month for food and drink deals, though 36 transactions were recorded on the bevblog.net mergers and acquisitions database. None reached the $1 billion mark, but four were worth over $500 million:
• $758 million for Colombia’s Nutresa to buy Chile’s Tresmontes Lucchetti
• €470 million for Denmark’s Royal Unibrew to acquire Finland’s Hartwall from Netherlands’ Heineken
• $539 million for Chile’s Andina to buy fellow Coke bottler Brazil’s Ipiranga
• $522 million for UK based Diageo to increase its stake in India’s United Spirits.
Of the 36, 9 were in alcohol and 9 in soft drinks, with 6 in dairy, 5 in ingredients and 4 in nutrition.
The United States featured in 10, followed by the Netherlands on 6, Brazil and the United Kingdom on 4, with Australia, Canada, France and Norway on 3.