5 years of bevblog
Yes, tomorrow is my fifth anniversary on bevblog.net. I’ve tried to tackle all the major issues, with a firm but light touch.
Out of 379 articles, 56 have been on the environment and recycling, 50 on health, 37 on acquisitions, 26 economic and 25 on water. Among product sectors, 53 have been on soft drinks, 37 on bottled water, 25 on dairy and 35 on other food or drink categories.
I’m delighted with a growing readership. Between July 2009 and February 2012, I’ve had 8,888 visitors making 13,891 visits from 127 countries, reading 32,520 pages and spending an average 16.44 minutes on the site. In February, there were also 357 followers on Twitter. And FoodBev.com provides a still wider audience.
The top five articles in the past 6 months were:
• 50 acquisitions in January
• Michelangelo’s David in the 21st century
• Big numbers for US soft drinks
• Feeding the world
• Eat more dairy – save health budget
Four of these were in February. Which is highly encouraging.
Over the next five years, I’d be particularly pleased to receive more comments. Do tell me if you agree or disagree. Do also guide me towards the topics of greatest interest to you.