Coca-Cola calorie cut in Canada
This is potentially huge news. Why isn’t it all over the media ?
The change is subtle. But the shift in thinking could be fundamental.
In essence, Coca-Cola is reducing the calorie content of regular Coke by 8% from 260 calories in a 591 millilitre bottle to 240 calories. Apparently, Coca-Cola has been sweeter in Canada than the rest of the world.
In a way, it is hardly big news that a global brand wishes to harmonise its different formulations.
In another way, however, the highest profile brand in the world has decided to alter its flagship product in response to changing society pressures. It is willing to risk some reaction to lead consumer taste buds towards a less sweet future.
If it succeeds in Canada, it may be prepared to make similar moves elsewhere.
What if other brands did the same and progressively shifted overall sweetness expectations to a healthier future ?
That’s why I think this one small step for a can could become a giant leap for can-kind.