Investing in innovation
So many big companies now have their own units to invest in, incubate or mentor start-up concepts, brands and technologies.
They are all very clear about what they are looking for and how they operate, but what do they find?
PepsiCo’s new European Nutrition Greenhouse is instructive because it offered support for 8 projects at the same time.
I was fascinated by the selection:
• 3 were from the UK and 1 each from France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.
• 3 featured protein and 3 fibre.
• 2 aimed to improve convenience and 2 to reduce calories.
• 2 were vegetable-based and 2 more from plants.
• 1 was based on edible insects, 1 on edible seaweed and 1 was a tree juice.
• Superfood and organic credentials were also prominent.
I am always looking for clues pointing to the future. There are plenty here.