Non-dairy growing faster
Rabobank’s new report on dairy alternatives provides both insights and lessons for the dairy sector.
First, the insights:
• Dairy alternative global retail sales have been growing by 8% a year for the last 10 years and have now reached $15.6 billion.
• Dairy-free milk represents 12% of combined liquid sales.
• Dairy demand is growing at an overall rate of 2.5% a year, but drinking milk retail sales in West Europe have been falling by 3% a year to $18.6 billion and in the United States by 5% a year to $12.5 billion.
• 39% of dairy alternative sales are soy, with almond now up to a 68% share in the United States.
Second, the lessons:
• Dairy’s strengths are identified as nutritional value, clean label, natural fat, price competitiveness and taste.
• Dairy-free’s attractions include perceptions around health, sustainability, lifestyle choice and sustainability as well as curiosity.
• Nut allergies are seen as a possible concern, but many other alternatives are waiting in the wings – from barley, flax, oat and pea to canary grass, hemp and quinoa.