Who’s responsible for our health?
Another new UK report – there has been a flurry this summer – shows who the public think is responsible for our health.
The report was issued to mark the 70th anniversary of the National Health Service and included the findings from a survey of 2,083 adults aged 15 or over in May 2018.
This is significant because the United Kingdom has the highest obesity levels in West Europe and the report described healthy lifestyles as “the most important influence on people’s health.”
In answer to the question “How much responsibility, if any, do you think that each of the following have for ensuring that people generally stay healthy?”
• 97% said the individual
• 68% said the National Health Service
• 61% said the national government
• 55% said local government and
• 75% said the food and drinks industry.
Yes … food and drink companies are being held more accountable than government.